
Author: Carrie Radford

Three tips for a great infographic

With today’s explosion of computer generated statistics, we’ve never had more data. But extracting meaning from all those numbers– and then conveying that meaning to outsiders -- can be a formidable task. That’s where infographics come in. They prove your point, tell an engaging story,...

Three principles of great web design

Every website is different. But almost all of the great ones share a few core design elements: 1) The navigation is streamlined and intuitive. All information is easy to find. Visitors don't tear their hair out trying to find a phone number or an archived document. 2)...

Do you have permission to use that photo?

Do you own the rights to the photos on your website? If you're unsure, go double-check. Image licensing is vitally important to avoid copyright infringement. Just because a photo appears on Google Images doesn’t mean you have permission to use it on your website. In fact,...