#UberPuppies visit KBC
It’s not unusual for cool things to happen at KBC (see champagne tastings and sandwich clubs), but the other day, something extra cool happened.
Uber emailed local customers and said they’d be teaming up with the Washington Animal Rescue League to deliver puppies around DC. We couldn’t miss out on this, and luckily a team member was quick enough to get us on the list. Score!
Sure enough, they pulled up, celebrity style, in a fancy black SUV and delivered the adorable puppies to our office. What a way to clear writers block!
Bravo to both Uber and the WARL for spreading happiness! But it was also a smart PR move for a number of reasons:
1. Puppies = happiness. Now people have a super warm fuzzy thought when they think of Uber.
2. It’s unique and memorable — when do puppies visit you at work?
3. It shows that Uber supports great, local causes like animal rescue.
4. Positive press for both Uber and WARL
5. Puppies.
The story made headlines and, apparently, other folks in DC weren’t as lucky as us. Turns out puppies are very popular and there were only so many to go around! Check out the local coverage here on WUSA9: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/dc/2016/02/03/uberpuppies-delights-some-dog-fans-disappoints-others/79779164/