Outreach Manager
As Outreach Manager, Louise Dettman is responsible for client outreach, business development, and PR sales support.
Before joining Keybridge, Louise worked in publishing, public relations, and communications for small businesses, political campaigns, nonprofits, associations, NGOs, and more. She has lived and worked in the United States, Eurasia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and South Asia. Her experience includes writing, editing, social media marketing, media relations, brand management, sales and customer service.
Louise is a local storyteller, coach, producer, and host. She has performed in two DC circuses on the flying trapeze and produced two of her own shows, one of which married storytelling and the circus arts at the Atlas Intersections Festival. She enjoys time with her husband and teenage son, their one-eyed dog, Darth Vader, and their three-legged cat, Cleveland.