
Daniel Falkovic

Senior Associate
About This Project

Daniel Falkovic

Senior Associate

As a senior associate, Daniel writes, edits, pitches, and works on earned media campaigns. Before coming to Keybridge, Daniel interned with the Environmental Defense Fund where he helped midwestern officials and constituents write op-eds and pressure Congress on issues of infrastructure and flood resilience. Daniel also interned for the European Disability Forum in Belgium and for a city councilman in Alexandria, Virginia.


Daniel graduated summa cum laude from American University as a Politics, Policy, and Law Scholar with an interdisciplinary B.A. in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government. At American, Daniel was vice president of the Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity, and policy director of the Roosevelt Network at American. In his free time, he enjoys biking, hiking, running, and spending time outdoors with friends.


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