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Copy Editor’s Corner | Less vs. Fewer

When’s the last time you read an ad that was several paragraphs or even a few sentences long? The most effective advertising -- especially in magazines, websites and billboards -- is short and to the point. Ads often forego proper grammar in favor of punchy, clever...

PR Tips | Benefits of WordPress

If you've had a conversation in the past 2 years about developing websites, you've probably heard "WordPress" mentioned -- and with good reason. WordPress now powers more than 60 million sites, making it the most popular CMS (Content Management System) platform in the world . . . by a long shot. Currently over 25% of all English-speaking websites use WordPress, and it's not just for bloggers and small businesses anymore. There are several Fortune 500 companies that utilize WordPress on their websites, including: -The Wall Street Journal -Pepsi -Ford -CNN -Samsung -Intel . . . and many more So, why is WordPress so popular? WordPress takes care of the heavy lifting of web programming and lets the you focus on the fun stuff. Imagine you were tasked to create a spreadsheet to analyze your company's widget sales. You wouldn't start this exercise by hiring someone to write a spreadsheet program from scratch; you'd probably just open Microsoft Excel, then enter the data in the spreadsheet. Now imagine that you were tasked with revamping your company's website. You could start by hiring a web coder to write a lot of HTML and CSS code from scratch, or you could simply start with WordPress. Just as Excel is a tool for creating spreadsheets, WordPress is the #1 tool to create websites.

Advice from the Media | Mark Hemingway

Name: Mark Hemingway Title: Senior Writer Media Outlet: The Weekly Standard Twitter Handle: @heminator 1) Describe your typical workday in 140 characters or less. Lots and lots of reading, punctuated by flurries of writing and an occasional interview. 2) What's the best pitch you've ever received? I won't elaborate on the details,...

Advice from the Media | Toby Harnden

Name: Toby Harnden Title: Washington Bureau Chief Media Outlet: The Sunday Times (UK) Twitter Handle: @tobyharnden Personal Blog: www.tobyharnden.com 1) Describe your typical workday in 140 characters or less. No day typical. Longest recent day when Boston bomber caught. Out reporting on grnd all week. Started writing 10pm. Filed 5,100 words by 9am 2) What's the best pitch you've ever received? I am instinctively suspicious of PR pitches so best ones are probably approaches I never knew were pitches. I've been invited to go fishing using hand grenades with the French Foreign Legion. That's quite attractive. 3) The greatest words of wisdom an editor ever gave you? Always go there. It's obvious but so many reporters these days use email as a crutch or don't go to an event because it will be on TV or they'll get a transcript. Early on in my career, in Northern Ireland, whenever there was a bombing or shooting I'd go, whatever the time of day or night. It was always worth it - I'd get a different angle or I'd meet a potential contact. It astonished me how many reporters were lazy. Along the same lines - always make the call. You never know whether or not the person will speak to you. But if you don't try, then you can be sure they won't.

PR Tips | Nailing Your Interview on Talk Radio

Speaking on a news or talk radio program can be a great way to spread your message to a large, reasonably captive audience. Your quote for a newspaper article may run only a sentence or two. Television can require travel -- not to mention hours in the make-up chair -- just for a 10-second segment that may end up on the cutting-room floor. A radio interview, on the other hand, can run anywhere from five minutes to an hour or more. You can fit a whole lot more than 800 words in that chunk of time. And there's no risk of your segment being edited out. But contrary to popular belief, long-winded bloviators are not welcome on the air. It's important to be short, clear, and to the point. Talking points are an interviewee's friend. It can be tough to think on your feet during a live interview, so having prepared material at the ready can save you from an awkward pause -- or "umm"-ing, "ahh"-ing, and "like"-ing your way through your spot. Here are some other tips for shining on the radio. - Approach the interview as if it's a friendly conversation. Address the host by name, and thank him or her for having you on. Know the market for the show, and make reference to it. "It's great to be with you, Sean, and with all WXYZ's listeners in Detroit." Those little touches can go a long way to ingratiating yourself with the host -- and may lead to an invite back. - Make your talking points snappy. Sure, it's true that there are 522,144 postal workers in the United States. But it's more fun to say that you could line them all up end to end and they'd stretch from DC to Akron and back.

Advice from the Media | Robert Pollock

Name: Robert L. Pollock Title: Former Op-ed Editor, Editorial Board Member Media Outlet: The Wall Street Journal 1) Describe your typical workday in 140 characters or less. I was op-ed editor of the WSJ from 2007-2012, and at the paper from 1995-2013. A typical workday began at home in the early morning and ended at the office around the time the first edition of the paper went to bed at 7PM. That includes Sundays, by the way. I was managing two pages of signed opinion with roughly six pieces per day. We got hundreds of submissions a week and commissioned many ourselves. 2) What's the best pitch you've ever received? The best pitch is not a pitch but a finished piece. Honestly an editor can’t tell much from a pitch, especially a phone pitch. If you don’t have a finished product pitch it by email rather than phone so the editor can see the written quality of your thoughts. 3) The greatest words of wisdom an editor ever gave you? Simplify. Don’t use big words where small ones will do. Beware of bad or mixed metaphors. It’s easy to forget how many common terms are actually metaphors. If an idea can’t be summed up in one sentence it probably isn’t right for an op-ed. 4) If there was one thing you could tell every PR practitioner, what would it be? Use email to pitch. Make sure the product has a well stated thesis in the lead graph, and make sure the product is clean. It’s surprising how many PR professionals send sloppy stuff. 5) What's your craziest or most interesting newsroom story? 9/11. The WSJ was across the street from the WTC. Putting out the paper that day and for months afterward was an amazing display of ingenuity and teamwork from my colleagues.

A Day At King’s Dominion

Every quarter, we take a company retreat. Most recently, we hit the roller coasters at King's Dominion in Virginia. It was a great trip. Here are some photos from the day.

PR Tips | What Do the Colors Mean?

Starting a new campaign? Revising your current branding? Color is key. But how do you choose your colors? Here are some thoughts to get you started. RED: Emotionally powerful and associated with energy. Red is often used for sports, signs and lights, and can trigger people...

I recently saw this fascinating "apology ad" from JC Penney. In the ad, JC Penney declares to consumers that the company has changed, perhaps for the worse, and that it has resolved to do a better job of listening to its customers. The advertisement is completely...