Name: Elisabeth Eaves Title: Author, editor, and freelance writer. Formerly a Robert Bartley fellow on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, a staff writer and editor at Forbes, and opinions editor at the Daily, the world's first iPad newspaper. Media Outlet: Many. Recently: the New...
Since we first unveiled our $7.5k web package, I've received a steady stream of emails asking me, "What do I actually get for that price?" Here's my answer: You'll get a premium website with all the bells & whistles listed below. It's a truly amazing deal: •...
One of the best ways to improve your op-ed writing is to regularly consume the prose of people who have perfected the form. The op-ed is a unique type of journalism. A good one immediately grabs a reader's attention and constructs a compelling argument under tight...
I'd like to share a tool that has made my life much easier over the past few weeks. LucidChart is a web application you can use to build flowcharts, diagrams, wireframes, org charts, and much more. I've spent countless hours diagramming databases and creating flowcharts using Microsoft...
Last month, our entire company spent four days in Atlantic City. It was an amazing bonding experience. We challenge any company to try to beat us in mini golf or beer pong. Here are some photos from the trip. ...
Name: Eric Peters Title: Vulture of the Western World/Car/Bikes/Politics Columnist Media Outlet: Easy Rider/American Airlines/American Spectator/San Diego Metro/National Motorists Association Personal Blog: 1) Describe your typical workday in 140 characters or less. Up early, lots of coffee. Get a jump on the world. Take a breather around 1; do...
According to Wikipedia, infographics are “visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.” When information is presented well visually, it can have more staying power than text alone. It can also be easier and faster to digest. Good infographics...
I recently published a children’s book called “Luna Luna.” It’s available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can also buy it through your Kindle or iPad. A lot of people have asked me how I’m going to promote this book, so I thought I’d share...