
Profiles in PR | Tulchin Research

Profiles in PR | Tulchin Research

Your Name: Ben Tulchin
Your Position: President and Founder
Your Business: Tulchin Research
Twitter: @TulchinResearch

Services You Offer
Tulchin Research is a leading polling and strategic consulting firm. The company conducts public opinion research for a wide range of clients.

Your Niche Area of Expertise
We specialize in providing research and consulting services to candidates for elected office, ballot measure campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, corporations, and foundations.

How Did You Get Started in this Business?
I interned for Bill Clinton’s polling firm in the summer of 1992 during his first presidential campaign. I got there in June and Clinton was in 3rd place. When I left in August to go back to college, he was in first. The rest, as they say, is history.

Do You Have Any Advice for Potential Clients?
Invest in research. It’s worth the investment. And trust your pollsters, as long as they’re trustworthy and honorable.

Why Should an Organization Hire Your Company?
As a relatively new firm, we have a start up mentality – we’re hungry, aggressive, provide excellent client service and treat every client like they’re the most important – because they are. Without them, we wouldn’t be as successful as we’ve been.

Sam Ryan