
PR Tips | Benefits of WordPress

PR Tips | Benefits of WordPress

If you’ve had a conversation in the past 2 years about developing websites, you’ve probably heard “WordPress” mentioned — and with good reason. WordPress now powers more than 60 million sites, making it the most popular CMS (Content Management System) platform in the world . . . by a long shot. Currently over 25% of all English-speaking websites use WordPress, and it’s not just for bloggers and small businesses anymore. There are several Fortune 500 companies that utilize WordPress on their websites, including:

-The Wall Street Journal
. . . and many more

So, why is WordPress so popular?

WordPress takes care of the heavy lifting of web programming and lets the you focus on the fun stuff. Imagine you were tasked to create a spreadsheet to analyze your company’s widget sales. You wouldn’t start this exercise by hiring someone to write a spreadsheet program from scratch; you’d probably just open Microsoft Excel, then enter the data in the spreadsheet. Now imagine that you were tasked with revamping your company’s website. You could start by hiring a web coder to write a lot of HTML and CSS code from scratch, or you could simply start with WordPress. Just as Excel is a tool for creating spreadsheets, WordPress is the #1 tool to create websites.

If you build a site in WordPress, will you still benefit from utilizing a web designer? Sure! But you’ll end up with a site that is much less expensive, bug-free, and easy to update.

Mike McElhaney