

What color is that?

Color is an important factor in design, whether it’s print or digital. But colors can be so subjective. After all, is your mental image of light blue exactly the same as mine? Probably not. “I want all the buttons on my site to be green.”...

“Can you do social media?”

We get this question a lot. It's a simple one -- and easy enough to answer. Yes, we can post content on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. But, of course, so can anyone with a computer. The better question is: "can you make my message heard on...

It’s time to launch your media firm

Seattle coffee giant Starbucks recently announced plans to launch a media company. With veteran Washington Post reporter Rajiv Chandrasekaran at the helm, Starbucks hopes to create "social impact through creative storytelling." This is big. As social media guru Gary Vaynerchuk explained, "This will become another...

Squash your sesquipedalianism

"Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of Necessity" Sound like a paper you would want to read? Me neither. In fact, if you're like me, you didn't even make it through the whole title. Fortunately, it's actually an ironic title from a study by one...

Photos: 2015 Retreat to the Bahamas

Earlier this month, our entire company traveled to the Bahamas for a 3-day retreat. It was an incredibly rewarding experience. In between all the eating, snorkeling, and waterslides, we even squeezed in a few team-building activities. Here are some photos from the trip. ...

What’s in a pitch?

So you've put the finishing touches on your op-ed and are ready to see your name in lights -- or at least on the back page of the newspaper. How do you get editors to consider your piece for publication? You simply ask them. And...

Migrate your Microsoft Access database online

Does your business use Microsoft Access to store critical information and streamline company processes? Odds are, your MS Access database was built several years ago -- before the workforce (and our lives) became more mobile-focused. Many companies are desperate to migrate their MS Access database online, but they simply don't know...

We honor no-publicity clauses

Today, a caller asked me why Keybridge doesn't have a web page listing the many Fortune 500 companies we've worked with over the years. After all, most of our competitors have such a page, usually displaying the corporate logos of major clients....