

How to adapt to the COVID-19 news cycle

You don't have to work in media or communications to know that 2020 has introduced one of the most hectic news cycles in modern history. A global pandemic, historic presidential election, and nationwide protests on racial injustice have made producing timely content a challenge --...

How to talk on the phone

Talking on the phone in a professional setting is a seemingly simple but still sometimes daunting task. To keep your cool and handle client-facing calls like a pro, consider the following: 1. Take notes before the call: If you have...

Working together, apart

When COVID shut down DC, Keybridge employees scattered to our safe spaces. Some of us stayed put while others left for the green spaces and open economies in our hometowns. So while we've been spread out from Connecticut to Idaho, we've found at least one...

Election season writing tips

With eight months to go until America heads to the polls, you'll likely find yourself writing about the election more often than not. Here are some tips to keep audiences -- and editors -- interested. 1. Write a lead that will stay timely. Especially in the heat...