
Author: Laura Bentley

KBC Wine Tasting

We got a special treat for this month's happy hour: a wine tasting with our in house wine connoisseur David White. Thanks David for sharing your expertise and your wine!...

Keybridge reunion in Colorado

Earlier this fall, some of our current and former KBCers reunited in Denver, Colorado! Account Managers Maddie Auerbach, Emily Troisi, and Lauren Archambeault flew cross-country for a four-day trip with our friends and former colleagues Katie Behrman and Amy Martin. They spent the weekend exploring...

Take us out to the ball game

It was a gorgeous day in DC for the KBC team to enjoy the afternoon at Nats stadium, cheering on the home team. They didn't win, and it was a shame, but a good time was had by all at the old ball game! [gallery link="none"...